
Successful IME programs using adult learning principles: Part 1 (Self-directed learning)

For every IME program, learners will all have different learning styles, different knowledge bases, and different schedules.  When I worked for the Springer Nature journals, I used to get asked all the time “What is the best enhanced feature to publish alongside an article?” Or “Which feature will help readers learn the key info?” But in truth, there is no one-size-fits-all.    ...more

Obesity: the forgotten stigma

Sadly, prejudice and discrimination are still rife in the world today. Some of which regularly make the news and form large parts of political agendas. One form of discrimination is often unacknowledged however, and that is weight stigma. ...more
Alliance 2024

Pearls of wisdom from Alliance 2024

This year’s annual meeting of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions was held during the February Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, which certainly made for an interesting atmosphere in which to discuss global CME and its future trends. Whilst those outside celebrated by cheering on parade floats and catching beads, those of us inside the venue concentrated instead on grabbing pearls of wisdom from the expert presenters (apologies, I couldn’t resist the theme!). ...more