Today’s blog focuses on the adult learning principle of relevance. Learners need to be sure from the outset that the program advances their skills, experience, or has the potential to advance their career. ...more
Today’s blog focuses on the adult learning principle of problem-centred learning. When engaging with IME programs, learners need to know: what specific issue does this education solve? Does it relate to my clinical practice?This is because we are all more inclined to engage with learning materials when it relates to our personal experience. ...more
For every IME program, learners will all have different learning styles, different knowledge bases, and different schedules. When I worked for the Springer Nature journals, I used to get asked all the time “What is the best enhanced feature to publish alongside an article?” Or “Which feature will help readers learn the key info?” But in truth, there is no one-size-fits-all. ...more
In the world of IME (independent medical education), it’s not just about imparting knowledge. It’s also about ensuring that learners can effectively retain and apply that knowledge in their practice. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the concept of cognitive load and its implications in the design of our IME programs. ...more